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UNITS A-CBedrooms: 3/unitBedrooms: 2.5/unitHeated: 1507 sf/unitUNIT DBedrooms: 2Bedrooms: 2.5Heated: 1508.5 sfUnheated: 224 sf
Stunning new home in Green Lake.This new construction by premier builder Greenbuild Dev is loaded with all the amenities for ..
4 units with 2 garages and 2 pads.Heated space varies from 1081 to 1238 sq.ft. 1st Floor – 474 sq ..
In-city living at its finest!3 bedrooms, 3.5 bath an open floor-plan including an ADU or Apartment above garage. .. ADU ..
8000 Meridian Ave N Seattle, WA 98103
6 units.1650 sq. ft.Each with 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms and a garage.1310 E Marion St Seattle, WA 98122and1311 E Marion St ..
4 units.Each with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms and a garage.